The Argentine group Partido Nuevo Triunfo is presently banned in Argentina, but its flag is still widely used by other racist groups. It was founded in 1990 by Alejandro Biondini. backwards f, Nazi flag, flag, 7, seven, wreath, red flag, white circle, wheat
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing
The Puerto Rican Nationalist Party was founded in 1922. The group was a violent extremist group whose main goal was Puerto Rican Independence. black flag, white cross
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing
The Italian Neo-Facist Party is the successor to the Republican Fascist Party. They were prominent up until the 1990s and branded themselves the defenders of Italian fascism's legacy until they became the National Alliance. Nazi flag, fascist, italy, wolf's hook, S
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups
A reorganization of the Italian Fasces of Combat, the National Fascist Party was created by Benito Mussolini and ruled Italy from 1922 until 1943. The reformation of the National Fascist Party and their successor, the Republic Fascists party, is banned by the constitution of Italy. gate, fasces, p.n.f., golden eagle, green white red, black flag, axe, iron eagle
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups
The National Christian Party was a pre-World War II Romanian Fascist Party. The group was a combination of the National Christian Defense League and Octavian Goga's National Agrarian Party in 1935. blue yellow and red, swastika, insignia, Cuza-Goga, PNC
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups
The Organización por la Voluntad Nacíonal (OVN) is a racist national-socialist organization formed in 2007 in Mexico. In 2014, the OVN changed its name to the Mexican Nationalist Front (MNF). They claim to promote a healthy awareness of the Mexican nationality, wish to protect their biological identity, and to lead the fight against those "defeatist historical visions that have left a permanent complex of conquest and resentment." gear, green flag, cog, cross, circle, frente nacionalista de mexico, X, wheat
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing
The New Order Flag was used by a Portuguese neo-fascists movement from 1978 to 1982. Iron cross, red iron cross, cross, red cross, blue flag, flag,
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing
“Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West”. A nationalist, anti-Islam, far-right political movement. PEGIDA, united kingdom, pegida, trash, garbage, nazi, person, anti-islam, UK, anti-muslim, swastika
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing
Anti-government, far-right militia focused on gun ownership and resistance against the US government. The term "3%" comes from the false statistic that only 3% of American colonists fought against the British rule during the American revolution. The Three Percenters were declared a terrorist entity by Canada in 2021. iii, red stripes, blue square, white stars, american flag
- CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing
Shia political and military organization located in Lebanon, though they have cells in other parts of the world. They are one of the most influential political organization in Lebanon, and are designated a terrorist organization by several countries including the European Union, the United States, and Canada. flag, yellow, green, ak, assault rifle, fist, hizubu-llāh, party of god, allah, globe, book, sword, seven leafed branch, fa-inna ḥizba llāhi humu al-ġālibūna, then surely the party of god are they that shall be triumphant, al-muqāwamah al-islāmīyah fī lubnān, islamic resistance in lebanon, gun, arabic